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Few people are aware that ancient India was said to be the cradle of all Asian Martial Arts. In fact, there is evidence to suggest that India had an influence on Western Martial Arts as well, through the army of Alexander the Great.

Most certainly his soldiers took concepts back to their native Macedonia and incorporated them into arts such as Pankration and Wrestling. Conversely, there is also some evidence indicating that the use of the Mudra - or specific hand/finger shapes used all over Asia for certain kinds of Internal training - may have been first contributed to India by Alexander's men!

Further, the Socratic/Platonic Philosophy so well-loved by Alexander seems to have been of great interest to a certain Yoga master who requested daily discourses with the Macedonian King for mutual benefit. In point of fact, we find some of of this Socratic/Platonic philosophy was later mirrored in the basic tenants of Taoism. Or, so it would seem through the thick fog of time...

In any case, the CCMA and WCMA are privileged to offer one of the great branches of Indian Martial Arts - Silambam and its meditative derivative, Lathi. (Lathi was mentioned in "The Autobiography of a Yoga Master", by Yogananda.) Both systems combine deceptive footwork and the ability to shower the opponent with attacks from all directions with a bamboo pole, whether advancing or retreating. The study of either will build stamina, agility, and impressive upper body strength. Additionally, they encourage an upright and balanced carriage of the body - which has made it an especial favorite among women looking to enhance their appearance.

This art is offered occasionally in the summer because of time, space and weather constraints. Contact us to see if and when it is going to be offered for 2024.

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